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小编:Jennifer 767


Part 1

1. Hometown,

你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里? 目前在学习什么?

2. Major:

What’s your major ? why did you choose the major ?

3. Work/study:

Doyou study or work ? Do you need to work very hard ? what do you after work ?what will u do in the future ?工作之后都是干什么? 你在你家周围做什么?

4. TVprogram

Doyou like watching TV? What’s your favorite TVprogram ? 喜欢看什么节目? 跟谁一起看?喜欢自己看还是和别人一起? 会不会花太长时间看电视?

5. House/apartment

Doyou live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?Doyou others visit your home ? what doyou usually do when visitor come ? whatevents will you do to entertain friends in your home ?

6. Color

你最喜欢什么颜色? 为什么? 你儿童时期喜欢什么颜色? 你会用什么颜色装饰房间? 从小到大喜欢的颜色一样吗?

7. Outdooractivities

你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?

8. Sunnyday /rainy day

Doyou prefer sunny days or rainy days ? what do you usually do during sunny days?

9. Swimming

喜欢游泳吗? 为什么? 自己游泳还是别人一起? 一周几次? Doyou like go swimming on holiday ?你坐过船么?”

10. Healthysport


11. Photo

Doyou like taking photos ? 一般什么情况下才会拍照呢? 你们家你的照片多吗?摄影和摄像更喜欢哪个?

12. Gift

送花作为礼物么? 礼物需要贵重吗?

13. Hat

Doyou wear hats ? did you wear hat when you were a child ?

14. Bringthings

Whatbring when go out ? bring different things in day and night ? 会什么时候出去》 白天还是晚上? 出去一般做什么?Even forgotten tobring sth.?

15. Living

Whichpart do you live in China? Do you like where you live ? Would you like to livein south of China in the future ?

16. Toy

小时候玩的玩具是啥? 玩玩具的好处是啥?

17. Subject

高中最喜欢的科目是啥? 最不喜欢的科目? What’s your strengths andweaknesses in subjects ?

18. Shoes

Doyou like shoes ? 会网购鞋子么? 鞋子是好看重要还是舒服重要? 你知道有些人大量购买鞋子么? Will peoplewilling to pay for an expensive shoes ?

19. Music

音乐乐器难学么?儿童需要有音乐课在学校么? 音乐课对儿童的影响? Do you learn anymusic instrument ? Do you have any music classes in school ? Do you think it isnecessary for children to have music class ?

20. Game

打游戏么? 手游还是电脑游戏? 喜欢什么游戏? 年轻人打游戏好吗?

21. School


22: Living city

是否喜欢这个城市? 以后还想住在这里么? 你觉得这个城市的交通系统是否方便? 你喜欢用公共交通工具么? 用公共交通坐过的最长的旅程是多久?

23. Watch

童年时候有没有收到新的手表作为礼物?小时候喜欢戴手表么?谁给你买的? 经常喜欢戴手表么?为什么戴表 ? 你觉得那些人买贵的手表干嘛呢?

24. Bookreading

Doyou love reading ? Do you prefer to borrow books or buy books ?Do you readE-book?

25. Dream

Doyou remember you dream when you wake up ? do you like hearing other’s dream ? do you think dream will affect life ? why ? do you want tolearn more about dream ?你认为梦和现实有关系么?

26.  Robots

Areyou interested in robots ? why ? Do you like robots to work at your home ? Doyou want to take a car which robot is the driver ?

27. Friends

你和你朋友业余时间做什么? 你有很多朋友么? 一个最好的朋友好还是很多朋友好? 下课后喜欢做什么? 跟朋友喜欢做什么?Whyor why not ? why difficult to meet people hug or kiss or shaking hands , why ?do you prefer making friends online or making friends in life ? 有外国朋友么?

28. Teachers

最喜欢的老师是谁? 想做老师么?what qualities agood teacher should have ?

29. Holiday

你喜欢的holiday 是啥? Why? 你在假期用来干什么?

30. Magazine

喜欢看杂志么? 喜欢买杂志还是借?为什么?

31.   Housework

会不会做家务? 什么类型的? 你小时候会做家务么? 你觉得小孩子应该做家务么?最不喜欢的家务?

32 . Mirror looking

你经常照镜子么? 经常买镜子么? 你认为镜子是一个必要的装饰品吗?你会随身带镜子么?

33. Public transport

你有没有曾经用交通工具去哪里? 你常用交通工具上班吗? 未来公共交通工具会流行么?The longest travel you take by public transport ? Will Chinesepeople use public transport more in the future ? how do you think of publictransport ?

34. Celebrity

Whois your favorite celebrity in China ? Do you like any foreign celebrities ?Would you like to be a celebrity in the future ? whether we should protectfamous person ‘s privacy ? 是否喜欢名人的传记?


喜欢什么样的声音?为啥?嘈杂的环境中你的感受如何? Whatkind of noiseyou don’t like ?describe a particular noiseyou like or dislike ? how you feel about noise when you are working?

36. chocolate

How often do you eat ,why ? Did you like eating when you were a child ? Have you ever given chocolateas a gift , why ? why People like giving chocolate as a gift ?

37. bags

Do you like bags ? what kind of bags do you like ?

Do you have different bags for different occasions ?


手写好还是电脑打字好,why? 你更喜欢哪一种?Why ? 学生更常用哪种,why ?

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