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小编:Jennifer 146


雅思A类高分范文12月3日大陆地区雅思考试 大作文题目

Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that every can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

这又是一道似曾相识,但又不尽相同的题。关于Sports facilities之前的题目一般是这样的:

Some people think that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve public health, but others believe that it has little effects and we need other measures to improve it. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

对于这道旧题,逻辑稍微好一点,愿意结合自己的生活进行思考的同学一般会倾向于第二个观点,即增加运动设施对于提高人们的健康并无什么卵用 (adding more public sports facilities will do little to help improve people's fitness level because the unavailability of sports facilities is not the root cause of inactive lifestyles at all)爱运动的人哪怕每个周末开车几十公里也会去爬山,而不爱运动的人即使把哑铃放到他面前,他也懒得举一下。

带着这个观点,回到新题中来,很容易就可以发现,新题中的不投资public sports facilities的negative effects很容易可以反驳。而positive sides对于生长在"举国体制"下的国民来讲应该不难想。


Some countries have been investing public money in training top athletes to win medals in international sporting events. While this is being criticized by many as an abuse of taxpayers' money, I would argue that under special circumstances, such investment can well generate more positive results than negative ones.

The obvious drawback of failing to provide sports facilities for the general public may involve the diminished opportunity for people to improve their overall health by doing regular exercise. However, improving public health through encouraging more active lifestyle will be a long process, especially given the fact that in developing countries, people are generally more concerned about their material needs than their health. This means that most of the public sports facilities may eventually fall into disuse.

Therefore, when the country is not rich and the government does not have sufficient fund, gathering the limited amount of money to achieve immediate success in sports could be a wise decision. Having the national flag raised and national anthem played in the international sporting arena will greatly lift the spirit of the whole nation, thus strengthening a sense of patriotism which contributes to enhanced social cohesion and productivity. Furthermore, through demonstrating the perseverance and stamina in the training and winning process, the medal winners can not only inspire people to develop interest in doing related sports, but will also serve as role models for people from all walks of life to enhance their confidence in overcoming all sorts of difficulties.

If the success is achieved in team sports, such inspirational effects will be even greater. During the 1980s, the China Women's National Volleyball Team, financially supported by the government, won five world champions in a row. It is now widely acknowledged that the so called 'spirit of the women's volleyball team' has positively influenced a whole generation, playing an irreplaceable role in revitalizing the economy of China.

It is of course a good thing for the government to cover every particular need of the public, but the sad truth is that not every government can afford to do so. Therefore, when increasing social cohesion and uniting people have become a priority in the country, getting a few top athletes to win international fame for the whole nation could be a sensible choice.


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