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小编:环球教育 146


  社会发展类,一直都是一个大类别,大体上说包含了如全球化,老龄化,家庭伦理,城市发展等方面。本次考题,毫无疑问是涉及城市发展类的话题。随着城市化的加剧,城市中仅存的那点空地该被如何利用已然成为了一个热门话题。 题干中给出了两个关键点。其一为用空地种树,其二为利用空地开发建房。本题是将两者比较之后得出一个明确的结论,哪个方案才更好。  Some people think it is more important to plant trees in open spaces in towns and cities than building houses in these spaces. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20160827  Open spaces in cities and town have become rather precious unprecedentedly due to the fact that majority of cities and towns are far more congested than before. The populace, consequently, concern about how to utilize the limited open spaces, and either planting trees or constructing accommodations there is a wise choice.

  本段共有两句话。第一句是一如既往地引言。通过一个现象的描述引出本文讨论的重点。第二句就顺理成章地点明主题。本段中并未表达笔者观点。  For one thing, it is fairly evident that planting trees can elevate circumstance where people are living. Initially, trees can function as air purifiers, thus improving air quality in urban areas. Forestation in urban areas cannot only provide local residents with places for relaxation, but also promote urban landscapes that the public think is able to relax the local mentally. After working busily for 8 or 9 hours every day, people surely like spending their free time in walking in the park with a great number of trees or standing in their balconies with watching a huge piece of wood downstairs.

  本段着重讨论题干中给出的第一个方案,就是用空地种树。本段先是罗列了种树的好处。随后又用例子生动地例证了这些种树的优势。  For another, people on the side of building houses suppose that it is an imperative tendency that cities ought to accommodate the increasing population according to two key reasons, the boom of population and the movement of population from rural areas to urban areas. Nevertheless, what they neglect is that this trend can only bring about negative consequences to people’s life. High density of population can definitely arouse congestion of transport in cities and shortage of social resources. By analogy, low quality of life is what the local can only enjoy living in cities with huge population.


  On the basis of the above discussion, what our cities and towns need is trees rather than growing housing and mounting population.



  城市交通:  In recent years, many countries focus on reducing the traffic in city centers, for example, introducing the congestion tax on vehicles during rush hours. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 2016.1.30

  城市规划: Governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move from large cities to regional areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?  20140816  Some think the best city is "vertical" city where people live and work in tall buildings. Others think "horizontal" city is better where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20141206

  生存压力:  As major cities continue to grow, so do the problems. What are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with? How could these problems be solved? 20140906






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