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小编:Jennifer 171



Some people think that a vertical city is the best where people work and live in tall buildings. Others think that horizontal city is better where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


这道题并不好写。高楼城市的好处马山可以想到:用有限的土地去满足更多人的需求use limited land to meet the needs of a greater number of people。然后再积极联系实际,高楼林立就是代表繁华,经济发展。



Modern cities typically feature skyscrapers. Although many people nowadays criticize these high-rise complexes as an eyesore of city landscape and prefer a so-called horizontal city, I would argue that such criticism is not fully justified.

One advantage of a city with few tall buildings is that many historical and cultural buildings can be better preserved, which serve not only as a vivid reminder of what happened and what life was like in the past, but also as a source of income and taxation for local residents and governments. Also, a horizontal city is often sparsely populated and this is usually accompanied by less congestion and a more relaxed and slow-paced life.

However, for a great number of cities in the world, the economic prosperity depends on the development of various industries, which naturally requires a huge work force. This, combined with the soaring population over the years, means that more houses need to be constructed. If no high-rise buildings are allowed, the additional housing will have to take up more land, thus leading to greater damage to the natural habitat of wild animals and subsequent severer disruption of ecological system.

Another advantage of a vertical city is that it allows more efficient use of public resources. Since high-rise buildings can accommodate more people with a certain amount of land, fewer public facilities such as roads, railways and bus stations would be needed. This not only improves overall efficiency, but also saves public money which can be used to improve people's quality of life in other aspects.

In my opinion, high-rise buildings are inevitable for most cities whose major objective is to achieve economic success. However, I also believe that city planners have the responsibility to take the drawbacks of tall buildings into full consideration. Tall buildings should not, for example, be erected at the expense of buildings with rich historical and cultural values. Glass-walled buildings should also be prohibited because these tend to cause the temperature of surrounding atmosphere to rise.

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