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小编:Jennifer 228



In the past, people usually lived in one place in their life. However, it is now common for people to change their living places several times in their life. What are the reasons for this? Is it a positive or negative development?


Unlike in the past, it is now rare to see people live in one place for the whole lifetime; most people may move house at least once in their life. I believe that this is mainly because of social development and will bring both advantages and disadvantages.

Perhaps the first reason for this trend is the constantly improving overall living standard, meaning that individuals today are more capable of pursuing a higher quality of life by moving into more spacious apartments or houses with ideal location, surroundings, or in-house facilities several times as a result of the accumulation of wealth. Another reason has to with the greater mobility of people today. The rapid development of technology and economy has resulted in aboom of various newly-emerged industries, which have offered individuals a wider range of career options and opportunities. The switch of working location may naturally lead to a change of living place for more convenient commute.

The advances in communication and transportation facilities may also contribute to people's mobility in terms of moving to another city. The ease of traveling brought by highways, high-speed rail and air flight has made it possible for people to visit their homes hundreds of miles away on a weekly basis. This, combined with the video chatting devices, serves to reduce homesickness and thus contributes to people's growing willingness to seek career prospects away from their family, which necessitates a change of dwelling places.

In most cases when people have moved houses willingly, they can often enjoy better living conditions, a sense of freshness and career progression. From an economic pointof view, changing dwelling places frequently on a large scale stimulates the development of real estate industry and its related industries (for example, in household appliances and furniture), contributing to overall economic prosperity. On the negative side, leaving a place one has been familiar with may mean a decline of former interpersonal connections with relatives and old friends who can always provide necessary assistance in life. Individuals may also find it difficult to adapt to the new environment, especially when family members are not moving with them. In this case, they may inevitably feel lonely even though they can keep in touch with their family at any time with modern communication tools. This means that the whole family will suffer from a lack of both physical and emotional support.

Overall, I believe it is a good trend that people do not have to remain in one place for good, as this reflects both personal and social development. However, moving house is definitely a significant decision to make in life, and therefore it is necessary to take a full consideration so as to minimize the possible negative effects.

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