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小编:Jennifer 3818


这个话题要求讨论ambition的利弊,ambition的意思就是desire to be successful,常见的同义词还可以是“目标goal,objective”等,是个中性词,不要单纯理解成“野心”。这个话题应该不算太难,不会设计到一些不常见的词汇,也算是每个同学都能有些话说,关键看你愿不愿意结合生活实际来思考。


Ambition is being emphasized in modern society. How important do you think it is for people who want to succeed in life. Is it a positive or negative characteristic?

讲到ambition好处的必用词汇是“动力motivation”,不会这个词的同学只能开始拼命用make了。可以用到motivation这个词汇的话题还有“竞争competition”,“奖励reward”。具体用法可以是have the motivation to do sth或者motivate sb to do sth。



Ambition has always been considered as an indispensable factor contributing to success. However, I would argue that the strong desire for success, if managed improperly, can be counterproductive or even disastrous.

It has to be admitted that ambition provides people with motivation to work hard and determination to overcome obstacles standing in their way to success. Individuals who aim high will generally not make excuses to give up on their goals easily. Few would disagree, for example, that a student who desires to enter a prestigious university is more likely to achieve academic success than those who do not have any ambitious objectives in mind. Similarly, an employee who wishes to become a CEO one day tends to work more diligently and have better career prospects.

However, the undue desire to be rich, powerful or famous may spell undesirable consequences. While it is true that people may become more motivated to try their best because of their ambition, they may also overtax themselves as a result, thus bringing about not only health risks such as insomnia and heart attack, but also declined relationship with their friends and family.

Furthermore, there is a fine line between admirable ambition and insatiable greed. Crossing this line may well drive people to resort to immoral ways to be rich. For instance, it is now not rare to see some good looking men or women trade sex for material possessions. In worse cases, the unscrupulous behaviors may extend to unlawful acts including embezzlement, bribe-taking and swindling.

All in all, ambition is productive up to a point, but not beyond the point where it threatens to enslave people and causes social values to be lost.


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