小编:亓尧 133电视剧创作与议论文写作有着许多不谋而合的共性。当下,编剧们心血之作越来越少,随随便便几个情节就串起一部电视剧。新片一经播出就被网友吐槽声秒杀,槽点无非是剧情俗套狗血、内容繁琐冗长、情节毫无逻辑、台词浮夸低俗、男女主角太丑。
全真考题It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
接下来,我们来看一个让考官啼笑皆非让写作老师恐慌不已的学生作文片段。My father was born in poor families, His family had no money, and he have no gift. However, he work very hard. He started his business from 19 years old. In his 26, he will own his first factory. Therefore, working hard is more important than talents.
无论从语言角度还是论证角度,该片段以绝对"优势"登顶"烂片"排行榜 。
论证上,第一,例子偏题。题目要求论证的是"通过教育"获得成功,而不是"通过努力"获得成功。而且题目说的是一个小范围的才能"certain talents for instance for sport or music", "become a good sports person or musician"。因此论证应与体育和音乐有关,避免离题。第二,雅思议论文不允许记叙成分的存在。举例子绝不能像讲故事一样,洋洋洒洒写百来字。应把握重点,最好在一句话(不超过两句话)内讲清楚例子。第三,雅思大作文虽然要求例子来自你的生活经历或知识,但这并不代表你要举出你身边七大姑八大姨真人真事作为例子,而且一个人的事迹不具备代表性。所以举例的时候最好列出一个具体而又有普遍性的人或事。
"佳片"不仅要排除语法错误而且要紧扣主题、简明扼要、有代表性。这样才能使考官得以认同。针对这篇全真考题若我们如下写就非常符合考官的品味:Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport or music. A great number of sportsmen and musicians have received training before they become celebrities. A typical example can be found in Central Conservatory of Music which has taught thousands of ordinary students to become high-quality professional performers who have a wide range of music knowledge, a good command of techniques and fine sensibilities in the field of music.