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小编:环球教育 69

  亲爱的烤鸭们,雅思小作文对写作高分的阻力是绝不可小视的!从表面上看,Task One似乎就是看图描述这样简单。如果你的非谓语结构运用为零,词汇低级简单还有表述不清晰,小作文就会是你的拦路虎。那么今天就让我们收集一些小作文高分必备的“词汇”。

  1.Namely adv. 即,也就是说

  同义词:that is to say /by that I mean/ as follows

  例句:The table compares four indicators among five countries in terms of house price in 1982, namely, New Zealand, the US, Japan, China and the UK.

  2.Data n. 数据

  同义词: number / figure

  例句:The data shows the differences of food consumption between developing and developed countries.

  3.Span n. 跨度,范围

  同义词: period n.

  活用句型:over the period from…to…/over a spanof …years.

  例句:The sales of products remained flat at the low number of 55,000 units over a span of two decades.

  4.Respectively adv. 分别地

  同义词: individually adv.

  活用句型:Slump dramatically to… and …respectively.

  例句:In contrast, components of B, E and F share the rest proportions of the pie, 7%, 5.5% and 8% respectively.

  5.Demand n. 需求,要求

  同义词:need n. / requirement n.

  活用句型:the demand for…

  例句:The demand for electricity in winter varies between 45,000 units and30,000 units.

  6.Unlike  prep. 不同于

  派生词: unlikelihood n.

  同义词:be different from / be dissimilar to

  活学句型:Unlike A, B is…

  例句:A glance at the line graph, unlike the TV audiences, the number ofvideo game players experienced a sharp increase, from…to…, peaking at justover…

  7.Reminder n. 余下的部分,其余的人

  同义词:the rest part

  活用句型:The remainder is…/The remaining (part) is…


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