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小编:Eileen 107



  雅思写作评分标准的第二项CC(coherence and cohesion) 中对作文中的cohesive devices的使用是考察的。

  Coherence 只要是指语义的连贯性

  Cohesion 则指的是语法和词汇使用上的衔接


  是不是当“首先to start with”,“也就是说that is to say”,“比如for instance” 这些表达使用的越多,文章连贯性越好呢?






  Have you ever wondered why some students seem to fail to concentrate in class? Students require more recreational time in order to better focus on lessons in class. In fact, studies have shown that students who enjoy a recess of more than 45 minutes consistently score better on tests immediately following the recess period. Clinical analysis further suggests that physical exercise greatly improves the ability to focus on academic materials. Longer periods of recess are clearly required to allow students the best possible chances of success in their studies.


  Online education, conceptually what we call either remote or distance learning, has its problems. Although surveys always show students incline to getting access to materials online, the take up of purely online courses is low as a matter of fact. When questioned, students find that studying online can be a lonely and unsatisfying experience. Not only do they miss the human interaction with others, but also do not like having to wait for answers to the work that they have done. Hence, it merely becomes an alternative way to enhance students’s academic performance.


  Cell phone, though considered negative as it grabs attention from most people, now becomes the dominant mode, taking precedence over any other form of electronic communication. Besides the information it delivers, is also becomes integral to people's social relationships on a daily basis, and provides peer support in emotional matters particularly after some apps, such as Wechat and Line, become very popular. Today, smart phone with countless apps available and many others developed underway is more than a tool for communication. More preciously, it enables the user to integrate living functions.

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