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如何破解雅思口语Part 2的“魔幻旋涡”



小编:Eileen 113

  今日主题话题:雅思口语Part 2,让宁波环球教育(原环球教育)名师何圆圆(KINA)老师来教我们如何破解雅思口语Part 2中的“魔幻旋涡”

  Describea person who you have met before and you want to know more about.


  小K只能说,雅思的Part2其实一点都不怕,只要你是真心对待她!虽然外面的世界很精彩,但是那都是套路啊!想要给考官们留下好印象,就必须“真诚地”对待他们啊~所以,类似“Hi,how are you?”“I’m fine, thank you, and you?”就千万不能再出现啦!哪怕你就说“Iam super nervous right now!” “You know, there are butterflies!”“I can’t feel my feet!”(紧张得小鹿乱撞,不知所措,心跳加快) 如果类似俗语谚语能够随时积累,随即用上,那可真是老乡见老乡,两眼泪汪汪,不给分都难啊!

  好了言归正传,关于今天的重点,如何破解Part2呢?Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about首先,咱们先Brain Storm一下吧。有这么一个人么?来自遥远的北方?南方?东方?西方?还是其他管他神马地方?其次,假如真有那么一个人,千万给我打住!千万要记住小K的名言:Always tell the truth, but don’t be too honest ! What? 你的世界是不是又混乱了?那就对啦!think out of the box(突破性思维)老外就很欣赏啦~有的掰有的扯,添油加醋,一哭二闹三上吊,那就灵活生动多啦!千万别一五一十翻译,记忆,回忆哦~

  再次,有突破性思维还不够,还要有深度。除了必要的一些概括性词汇外,神马是深度呢?新生代的小朋友么才不稀罕为了鸡汤而鸡汤呢~~~ 那Part 2 最后的思想的升华怎么办办呢? 很简单。生活中的小细节,小感动赶紧注意起来吧~~ 放心哦,哪怕小学词汇也可以用得很有深度哦,关键是你们了解多少地道表达呢? Things change ,but people don't (江山易改,本性难移). Your mind would go bananas if you push yourself too hard.(欲速则不达)是不是很神奇又很简单,没有单词不认识呢?对的,其实就是这么简单。




  Well, it is really a touching moment now. Good on you for asking me this sentimental question. (适当的时候也要理一下考官,照顾一下考官的听众情绪哦,哪怕这位爷丝毫没有鸟你的意思,咱做到自己的那份,杠杠的~ 也可以给自己赢得一些些缓冲及情绪酝酿的时间么~)

  Off the top of my head, the first person who comes to my mind is Jenny, my high school classmate , yeah , for sure (灵机一动,在考官面前表现出你是现场发挥的样子,然后加一些眼神交流及肢体语言哦,而不是背答案,总之神马都是套路啊~)

  We haven’t seen each other for at least 5 years, I guess. I still remember the last time we met. It was a Friday afternoon about off school. I was too shy to ask her to hang out with me on weekend. Not even along with other classmates. Wow, you have no idea how beautiful and nice she was at that time in my heart. I just loved her big smile, which felt just like the sunshine in the winter morning. Every time when I saw her, there were always butterflies in my stomach. I sometimes even couldn’t feel my heartbeat. Believe it or not. I guess, that was what we called, Puppy love. However, I was too shy to let her know. I was too scared by the sound of “The evil apple from the Eve”. What a fool !  (有木有一丢丢感动的小泪花尼~~~ 嘿嘿,假如还不够重口味,那就再来一丢丢哪位大神~~ )

  Now if you ask me what do I want to know more about her, I would dare to say, everything! However, there are something I would like to stress out :(不管怎么动情,千万记住最后的explain才是重头戏哦,否则TA- Task Achievement 实现不了呢~然后要分层次的进行分析想要了解的部分及原因,最后发表感情的升华部分。但是也不要面面俱到哦,有重点就可以了。短短时间内,尽量做到直接明了,别让老外太心累哦。他们虐心了,对咱们可丝毫不会有好处呢~)

  Firstly, how is she now? Single?

  Secondly, where does she live?

  At last, what is her dream now?


  5 years has already past, I do not want to waste another 5 to do self-beating. If she is single, I will be a brave man to ask her out. If she is happy with another man, I will be glad to play the best friend part in her life so that I could protect her in person, not far away from nowhere. Life is too short, live the moment. I know now it is high time for me to speak up and shake the shyness off !believe it or not, now even thinking about this idea gives me goose bumps. I would really like to know how she felt about me in the past and how she feels about me now if we could meet up again. I wonder how she would act at that very moment. However, there is  one thing for sure, from my side, the nerves would be followed by a tremendous high immediately afterwards and a crashing low of a few seconds after that. Who knows my best hopes and my worst fears which come first !

  Isn't it interesting ? Isn't it worth trying? I guess I would never know until I try it. One step from me, one huge step from us. I am looking forward to it. Wish me luck!


  如果有同学们问,我们是小女生怎么办呢? 简单呀,改个性别就好啦。 如果觉得篇幅太长,临场发挥的时候随机应变,自行增减就好啦 。关键是情绪到位,眼神真挚,考官们的小神经小心脏就会跟着触动呢。无伤大雅的小细节不会影响太大哈。去吧~可爱的考生们~


  何圆圆 KINA

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