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小编:长安 1035




  -a company, especially one that provides a service rather than producing goods

  *e.g. a law firm | a firm of accountants

  「business」我们说「a business」可以说是一个公司,但是往往这个公司的规模比较小,只有几个员工。

  -a company - often used when talking about a company that employs only a small number of people

  *e.g. he set up her own catering business.


  -a large company that often includes several smaller companies

  *e.g. IBM is one of the biggest corporations in the world.

  「 multinational」这个指的就是「跨国企业」了,业务分布在好几个国家

  -a very large company with offices in many different countries

  *e.g. American multinationals are establishing research and development facilities across the developing world.


  -a company that is owned by a larger company

  *e.g. The company runs its New York operations through a US subsidiary.



  -to move something to a particular place

  *e.g. I've put the wine in the fridge.


  -to put something somewhere carefully

  *e.g. 'It's beautiful,' he said, placing it back on the shelf.


  -to put someone or something down carefully on a flat surface

  *e.g. He laid all the money on the table.

  *e.g. She laid the baby on his bed.


  -to carefully put something in a suitable position

  *e.g. Position the microphone to suit your height.

  *e.g. Troops were positioned around the city.


  -If you slip something somewhere, you put it there quickly in a way that does not attract at-tention.

  *e.g. I slipped a note under Louise's door

  *e.g. He slipped his arm around her waist.


  -to put something into a space or container quickly or carelessly

  *e.g. Shove anything you don't want in that sack.


  -to put something down somewhere in a careless and untidy way

  *e.g. Don't just dump all your bags in the kitchen.

  *e.g. People shouldn't dump rubbish at the side of the street.

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