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小编:长安 204

  身处前线的小“烤鸭”们已经在雅思口语考场上遭遇了烫手的新题,走出考场时,直喊宝宝心里苦。俗话说:兵来将挡,水来土掩。所以宁波环球教育陆瑶瑶老师在这里紧锣密鼓地梳理一些new face.

  口语Part2出现了一道新题:Please describe something you do to keep healthy.乍一看,貌似有点陌生,但是关键词keep healthy却是口语经久不衰的高频topic,所以这道题就自然转化为how to keep healthy?酱紫是不是立马亲切多啦!

  “烤鸭”们可以从do physical exercise来拓展一个运动类活动。

  For example: recently, i go cycling on weekends with my bros along river bank nearby my apartment. Every time i go cycling, i sweat and feel energetic. More surprisingly,i find myself more focused on academic studies after cycling. In the meanwhile, it helps me lose weight effectively, which turns out to be a bonus of this exercise.

  除了运动,大家还可以从balanced diet角度来拓展。

  e.g. another change is that i have abandoned junk food like french fries which is greasy and salty. Instead, i have shifted to a balanced diet consisting of vegetables, staple, fruits, beef and dairy. Like mom used to say"an apple a day keeps the doctor away", i eat fresh fruits of all kinds in season, which is a real treat in my daily life.

  当然,除了以上两点,脑洞大的“烤鸭”们还可以从mental health为切入口,发表一番心理健康学的高见。

  Apart from physical aspects, it's awesome if we keep positive and optimistic towards life. After all, life is all about attitude.(sounds like cliche,hum偷笑中) Otherwise, it's very likely that people suffer from depression,anxiety or even despair, not to mention staying healthy.

  当然,每个拓展的切入点还有很多素材去丰富其广度和深度,不过Part2只有短短的2分钟哦(原谅老司机就是辣么任性)。大家无需面面俱到,抓住一个highlight去develop in depth才是王道。

  好啦,今天的Part2新题分享就到这里,之后老师还会继续奉上更多的新题分析。最后,祝大家旗开得胜,顺利和雅思说byebye,相信What goes around comes around.

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