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名师解析雅思口语Part 2新题中的“难度”话题



小编:陆瑶瑶 138

  这一季的雅思口语Part 2新题里出现了一些颇有"难度"的话题,比如"重要发明","一个聪明的解决之道","你最近的改变","骑行之旅"等等。细心的烤鸭们会发现我在难度上打了引号,因为这些新题只是包装了新衣服的旧题而已,关键看大家怎么去组织串连已有的熟悉的素材。这也就是趴二的key,一定要学会连连看。


  所以老司机选的素材是bike-sharing network. 相信聪明的烤鸭,一定能秒懂我。单车共享,如今在各大城市如火如荼,它是一个重要发明,也是一个solution,解决了城市病:空气污染,交通堵塞,久坐生活方式(sedentary lifestyle),肥胖症......太多啦,2分钟就怕你说不够......

  最近的改变,以前坐公交,甚至打的,现在有了bike-sharing network,妈妈再也不怕我迟到,变胖,多花钱啦!真是喜大普奔的change啊!骑行之旅,相信大家已经心领神会我的连连看了,赶紧造起来吧!


  solution to problems

  The solution i'd like to share with you is Bike-sharing network. As far as i know, this mode of transport was firstly established by a company called ofo a couple of years ago. I guess the talents of that company who came up with this brilliant invention are highly admirable as their idea has turned out to be a great success.

  Bike-sharing network has become increasingly popular due to its benefits. First, it's very handy for urban residents to use. We just need to scan the barcode on cellphone and the bike will be automatically unlocked. Nowadays, citizens have easy access to bike-sharing spots almost everywhere in urban area. So, compared with other transport tools like bus or taxi, it's rather accessible and economical to the mass public.

  This transport network has resolved at least 2 problems in city centre. One is the traffic congestion. With more and more commuters cycling, the number of vehicles on road has reduced enormously. Accordingly, the flow of traffic during peak hour is much more smooth.

  The other aspect bike-sharing has impacted is air pollution. If everyone cycles to commute instead of driving a car, undoubtedly, the emission of carbon dioxide will be eased considerably.

  In the meanwhile,........i can go on and on

  In a nutshell, thanks to bike-sharing system, we are able to lead a green healthy and more enjoyable urban life. I firmly believe this trend will thrive in days ahead.

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