小编:Eileen 2812016年最后一场考试已经结束了,2017年1月份口语话题又要换了,同学们不方,这期我们讲讲审题的重要性。在执教15年的生涯中,宁波环球教育杨老师碰到了好些同学,因为口语PART 2话题的审题问题导致口语只拿到5分或5.5分的遗憾例子。
Example 1:
关于户外活动的话题,还有这么几种形式:an outdoor activity you did for the first time.
an outdoor activity you like doing, an outdoor activity you would like to do,结果学生在考试的过程拿到的话题是想做的户外活动,他说的是做过的,导致时态全部出错,结果考官说"see you"
Example 2:
接下来我们看看另一个话题关于Describe a good news,这个话题本身是不容易出现时态或者什么的错误,但是还是有许多陷阱让众考生苦不堪言,陷阱一:news的特点,必须时效啊,可是如果你说一个若干年前的事情,比如莫言,屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖学,真的是不可以啊,如果是编个消息出来,也是很奇怪啊,因为我的学生这么做过,他编了个什么环境法,我知道后,瞬间哭晕在厕所,冷静下来给他分析了什么环境法是多么不合时宜,学生告诉我难怪当时表情灰常纠结和挣扎。
Example 3:
考题 Describe a plan you had, 结果学生看成了 Describe a plane you had, 他考完还在骂,说考官变态,连做飞机这样的话题也会考,请问,童鞋,是灰机吗?
诸如此类的杯具,比比皆是,所以杨老师今天和大家好好聊聊part2 存在陷阱的话题,这样就算新的季度,非常不走运地拿到新题,至少不会因为审题不仔细而丢分。
Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently.关注recently
Describe an advertisement you have seen recently. 关注recently
Describe a person you recently met. 关注recently
Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work. 留心other countries 还有would like to
Describe a special meal that you would like to have. 看看would like 这个小心机
Describe a short trip you often take but dislike. 请关注 often take
Describe a difficult decision you once made and proven to be right in the end. 请务必关注后半句,prove to be right in the end.
Describe an interesting photo/song, Describe a bicycle/ motorbike/ car trip that is interesting必须注意因缺思厅
Describe a wild animal. 注意wild
Describe a creative inventor or musician. 必须creative
Describe a person you have met before and you want to know more about. met before 应该不是很相熟的吧